Seed of Kindness

One winter night, an old couple dashed into the lobby of a small Philadelphia hotel, hoping for a room. But the clerk said, "All the rooms are full."

As they started to leave he said, "Would you be willing to sleep in my room? It's not a suite, but I think you'll be comfortable." At first they were reluctant, but he insisted, "Don't worry; I can sleep in the office." So they accepted.

The next morning when it was time to check out, the old gentleman said to the clerk, "Thank you: you should be the manager of the best hotel in the country. Maybe some day I'll build one for you." The clerk was amused, smiled, and thanked him.

Two years later the clerk received a round-trip ticket to New York City, and a letter thanking him again for his kindness. The old couple was inviting him to come and visit them. Although he's forgotten the incident, he decided to accept their offer.

When he arrived in New York City, they took him to the corner of 34th street and 5th Avenue. "That," said the elderly gentleman, pointing to a magnificent skyscraper, "is the hotel I have just built for you to manage."

The clerk said, "You must be joking" "I can assure you I'm not," he said.

The old gentleman's name was William Waldorf Astor. The hotel was the original Waldorf-Astoria. The young clerk was George C. Bolt-its first manager.
Don't forget to sow another seed of kindness today, for you can never tell what your harvest will be.

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